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pace and space

using time when you don't have much

a clock with legs and sneakers on .png


  • short doesn’t have to mean fast

  • (but it can)

  • rushed vs. fast

All You Neded is a Separation BarrierNiall Farrell
00:00 / 03:01


  • small doesn't mean you have to fill it up

  • (but it can)

  • boring vs. slow

KarenNanna Hauge Kristensen
00:00 / 01:25

space + pace x rhythm = ?

  • using space and pace to create rhythm to generate feeling

  • like structure, space and pace are creative tools

MumsPheobe McIndoe
00:00 / 00:46

mix it up

  • the power of art lies in juxtaposition

  • and... short works allow for uncomfortable consistency

EsperaSayre Quevado
00:00 / 01:07

lesson 2 assignments

 course assignment: something big, something small  

Ie. Taking something that feels big and going really small. 
This week:

  • Finish the thing! With all the knowledge you've gained in class and the drafts you've made thus far, come to class next week ready to present your piece

  • Note: if you upload a draft by MONDAY NOON EST, Talia and Jules will give you notes





 reading (and/or listening) 

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