JulES Bradley

the small
the what, the why, the how

what is short form?
the literal: short audio works​
the artistic: the art of leaving somethings unsaid​
why make short form?
the liberation: You don’t have to try to say it all.​
the challenge: you don't get to say it all
why right now?
the lineage: people have, and probably always will make shorts
the moment: the celebration and the resurgance
course outline
the small – what, why, how
the package - structure, style, choices
time - pacing, movement, silence
exhibition - sharing and responding
course assignment: one short piece 3 mins, or less, you will be working on over the course of 3 - weeks.
lesson assignments: short pieces 3 mins, or less, to complete between each lesson
just narration
narration + interview + some sounds
non-narrated, many scenes
non-narrated, moment in time
A scene on it’s own
sonic art
field recording
lesson 1 assignments
lesson assignment: the art of the scene
Using one of the anecdotes you generated (or a new one) – make a 3 minutes audio piece zooming in on a single aspect of it.
This could look like dropping in and out of the anecdote cold, using narration and/or sound​
Hyper-focusing on one aspect, sound, word, etc. of the story and meditating on it or playing with it (eg. the cocka-doodle-doo of a rooster chasing you, your partner’s um when they lie)
These are examples, interpret this as you’d like – there isn’t a wrong way to do it.
Upload Assignments here -- 24 hours prior to class to be played, up unto class otherwise
course assignment: something big, something small
Ie. Taking something that feels big and going really small.
This week:
Ideate on what you’d like to make, gather your sounds, research your topic, write out your words – the first stages of making something
NOTE: It does not have to be around trauma. It can be, if that’s what you want to make, but “big” can mean a lot of different things. Emotionally. Physically. Politically.
It’s easy to think of “good” stories as one’s centered around trauma, your own or other people’s, and they don’t have to be.
Summer Rain Nanna Hauge Kristensen
Thank You For Calling Jules Bradley
White Noise Axel Kacoutié
If Sherre Delys
10cm Chris Attaway
The Balloon Talia Augustidis​​​​​​