JulES Bradley

JulES Bradley
This is a non-exhaustive list of things that helped me get started in audio/radio! I am still learning from all of these resources today and I wanted to put them in a place for others to access. Also, so many of these resources were shared by others, so please let me know if you have something you think I should add to the list.
***Check out audio producer Talia Augustidis incredible list of resources here
[ Read these first ]
7 Q's to narrative audio people who want (need) to do better by Bethel Habte
*** so many more -- read comments and re-tweets​
[ Great places to get started! ]​​​
​Under the Skin: Making Audio Visceral - Eleanor McDowall 2016
So much genius!!! So many more amazing talks!!
NPR Training​​
[ Newsletters ]
[ Workshops and Classes (some free some not) ]
Salt Institute for Documentary Studies (workshops and 15-week intensive)
Your local library or community media center (how I got started)
[ Podcasts about making podcasts ]
[ Sound/Sound Design ]
Constellations: platform for sound design-rich audio with a lot of resources and amazing pieces to listen to
Let’s Learn About Waveforms: very basic, easy to understand basics of sound
Sound Basics: basics of EQ, compression, reverb, delay (short but pretty useful)
In the mix: Youtube channel with a ton of videos about mixing and sound design
I also love watching music producers work through mixes!! I learn a lot about plug-ins, building a session, building layers etc
Play and have fun with sound design it's like doodling!!!
[ Sounds and music ]
Freesound: database for free and downloadable sounds
Archival Tape: A list of a few the places to find archival tape (a lot on youtube)
Create your own sound library! Record your own sounds the way you want to record them they may come in handy
[ Recording and Editing ]​
Digital Audio Workstations (DAW) aka editing softwares:
Reaper: less expensive, open source, very malleable (I use this and really love it and have a millions reasons why )
Pro Tools: expensive, but has a student discount, industry standard (bleh)
Hindenburg: used in a lot of journalism, cool shapes
Audition: Adobe’s editing software, a lot of student's get it for free
Audacity: Free and pretty simple
Garage band: free, simple, built into Macs
*The basic editing functions are pretty similar in each software! It’s more a matter of capacity and the extent of sound design you want to include ( you can make something just as good on garage band as on protools )
[ Editing videos/resources ]
A ton of the resources I listed above from NPR, Transom, and my youtube playlist
*There are plenty of others online. There are also a ton of music specific editing resources that can translate to podcasting​
[ Recording equipment ]
Your phone is great! Expensive equipment is not a necessity for excellent audio storytelling! But, if you are interested I've listed some equipment below ( I didn't get all this right away, you can take your time to pull together you kit)
Standard field equipment: (Mic, recording device, headphone, windscreen, cables)
My equipment (in case you want to ask questions about)
Standard studio (at home) recording: (Mic, mic stand, pre-amp, headphones, soundproofing)
Transom gear guide (pretty outdated, but good resource to learn about mics etc.)
[ Finding work/freelancing ]
*I am no expert and this is different for everyone but here are a few resources to help with logistics around freelancing, being paid fairly, and finding work. I wish I could put more here but I'm still learning.
AIR's rate guide (a bit out dated but a good place to start)
Upwork - some short term editing/production gigs to start out!
Listervs (Ladio, gaydio, PublicradioNYC, Sonicesoiree, etc)
Newsletters - Belo Collective, Studyhall etc
Email people! Connect! Connect locally too! Collaborate! Twitter!
[ Pieces, sounds, stories, sounds and shows I love and you may too (I add to this alot) ]
Afterwords: Mary Oliver by El McDowall, BBC 3
The Last Taboo by Redzi Bernard and Phoebe McIndoe (TW: CSA), for Lights Out BBC4
Deep Time and the Sparrowhawk by Jaye Kranz for Lights Out, BBC4
SoundHouse: Listening rooms curated by Ariana Martinez, Axel Kacoutié and Arlie Adlington
So many more, I add to this periodically
*non-exhaustive list, I will continue to add to it!
Email me at jules.g.bradley@gmail.com if you have something for me to add to the list!